Uncompressed Multi-Format
Video Player/Recorders

Venue Player Venue Player DP ClearView Player IP 4K Players with Venue Player 8K HDSDI Player

ClearView Player/Recorder 4K

When you need an Uncompressed A/V Playout Server capable of serving 4K sequences up to 60Hz with audio and VANC to your display or processing device, the ClearView Player is the device for unmatched format playback flexibility.

ClearView Player 4K Solution

Record up to 4096X2160 @ 60Hz 10 bit or Import Files
Play 4K up to 4096X2160 @ 60Hz 10 bit 4:2:2 via Quad 3G HDSDI

Specification Links
Venue Players – Multiple 4K & 2K with SDI

Multi-format players with HDSDI programmable for multiple 2K & 4K outputs

Models: CVVP-1044 (one 4K), CVVP-1084 (two 4K)
Includes ClearView Player, Venue Player & Manager
Multiple storage sizes per available models
Comparison sheet of Venue Player models
Ingest files via included ClearView File Importer
Record 2K, 4K via HDSDI as Quad or 2SI 4K format
Four (1044) or eight (1084) 3G HDSDI outputs
Play up to two 2160p50/60Hz 10 bit 4:2:2 sequences
Apply up to 16 channels of embedded audio per video
Playout start via system clock or LTC time code value
GUI controlled or command line scriptable
Option: Test Patterns
Option: Waveform & Vectorscope
Venue Players – 4K or 2K with Display Ports

Multi-format players with up to four 2K or three 4K on DP

Venue Players
Models: CVVP-1084-DP (1 RU), CVVP-3084-DP (3 RU)
Includes ClearView Player, Venue Player & Manager
Multiple storage sizes per available models
Comparison sheet of Venue Player models
Ingest files via included ClearView File Importer
Four programmable DP outputs via V
Play up to three 2160p50/60Hz 10 bit 4:4:4 sequences
Playout start via system clock or application command
Nvidia multi-output sync on 3084-DP model
GUI controlled or command line scriptable
Option: Test Patterns
Option: Waveform & Vectorscope
ClearView Player IP

1RU, 10 Gigabit I/O with 2 SPF slots for SMPTE-2022-6/7

Models: CVP-1012-IP-2, CVP-1012-IP-4
1.8 or 3.8 terrabytes of storage
Uncompressed HD recorder/player
Single record or dual program play up to 1080p50/60Hz
Sixteen channel audio and full VANC record and play
A selection of preloaded video test sequences available
Includes ClearView Player & ClearView File Importer
GUI controlled or command line scriptable
Option: Test Patterns
Option: Waveform & Vectorscope
Portable Player Models – with 10G IP or 4K

Quad/HD 4K, HDMI, with Venue Player and ClearView Player-Recorder
Or 10 Gigabit IP IO Model for HD with ClearView Player-Recorder

4K Models: CVVP-2044 and CVVP-2044-5 with ClearView Player, Venue Player & Manager
HD IP Models: CVP-2043-IP and CVP-2043-IP-5 with ClearView Player application
Models have 2.5 or 5 TB Storage
Small portable uncompressed recorder/player
4K model IO up to 2160p50/60Hz 10 bit 4:2:2 (Quad or 2SI)
10G IP model IO up to 1080p60Hz, in SMPTE-2022-6/7
Sixteen channel audio and full VANC record and play
Preloaded uncompressed video sequences
All models include ClearView File Importer
GUI controlled or command line scriptable
Options: Test Patterns, Waveform & Vectorscope
ClearView Player 4K – High Capacity Server

3RU Rack Mount, 4K Dual Quad/HDSDI & HDMI with CV-Player, Venue Player & Manager
ClearView Player IP Model with 4K HDSDI and HD IP Interfaces and CV-Player Application

Models: CVVP-3084-4K-12, CVVP-3084-4K-24 with ClearView Player, Venue Player & Manager
IP Models: CVP-3084-IP-12, CVP-3084-IP-24 with ClearView Player application
Dual Quad 3G HDSDI 4096X2160p60 4:2:2 10 bit
One (CVP) or two (CVVP) 4K sequence playback on Quad 3G HDSDI outputs, each up to 4096X2160p60 10 bit 4:2:2, or 4K plus 4 different HD & SD formats
One or two 4K playback on two HDMI 2.0b outputs, both up to 4096X2160p60 8 bit 4:2:0 (Supports Quad or 2SI format)
Single record on Quad 3G HDSDI up to 4K/60Hz or SMPTE-2022-6/7 with 10G IP
Eight channel audio and full VANC record and play
Preloaded uncompressed video sequences
All models include ClearView File Importer
GUI controlled or command line scriptable
Option: Test Patterns
Option: Waveform & Vectorscope
Further Information Links
ClearView Player 8K – High Capacity Server – 8K Recorder-Player with 16 3G HDSDI

3RU Rack Mount, also Dual Quad/HDSDI 4K Playback

Models: CVVP-3088-8K-16 or -32 with ClearView Player, Venue Player & Manager
Models carry 16 or 32 TB of storage
16 3G HDSDI video interfaces with embedded audio
Single 8K sequence playback or record on 16 3G HDSDI, 7680x4320p60 4:2:2 10 bit
Two 4K sequence playback on Quad 3G HDSDI, both up to 4096X2160p60 10 bit 4:2:2 (Quad or 2SI format)
Single record of 4K, HD of SD formats on HDSDI
Sixteen channel audio and full VANC record and play
All models included ClearView File Importer
GUI controlled or command line scriptable
Option: Test Patterns
Option: Waveform & Vectorscope
Further 8K Player Information and Specifications

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